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What Love Looks Like: Inspired by The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

What Love Looks Like was inspired by a book called The Five Love Languages®. Dr Gary Chapman, a long-time relationship counsellor, authored this very popular book which basically discusses the five principal ways that people speak and understand emotional love.

What Love Looks Like piggy back

"My husband and I received The Five Love Languages® book as a wedding gift and found it very helpful in learning to effectively express our love in a way that the other receives. The concept is that we all express and feel love differently, and understanding these differences helps us build stronger relationships."

"The same is true for children. Although most of us need all the love languages demonstrated towards us to some degree there is usually one or two of the five that speak love to us the loudest."

The Five Love Languages

Here is a brief description of the five love languages:

Words of Affirmation: Expressing affection through spoken affection, praise, or appreciation.
Acts of Service: Actions, rather than words, are used to show and receive love.
Receiving Gifts: Gifts are symbolic of love and thoughtfulness.
Quality Time: Expressing love with time: undivided attention.
Physical Touch: Love and affection that is felt through physical touch.

What Love Looks Like – inspired by the The Five Love Languages